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Waiting For The Call

Entah kenapa kerinduan terhadap bumi Kaabah menyentap² sanubari dalam minggu ini. Semoga aku bisa walaupun hanya sekali untuk menjejak kaki ke situ dalam keadaan sihat dan hati yang ikhlas; bersama si suami hehehe dan jugak kedua² orang tua aku. Berkali² mudah²an. Ehe. Hm.
Waiting For The Call 
by Irfan Makki

Miles away, oceans apart
never in my sight but always in my heart
the love is always there it will never die
only growing stronger a tear rose down my eye

I am thinking all the time
when the day will come
standing there before You
accept this Hajj of mine
standing in ihram, making my tawaf
drinking blessings from Your well
the challenge of safa and marwa
rekindle my imaan oOo

O Allah! I am waiting for the call
I'm praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall

I feel alive and I feel strong
I can feel Islam running through my veins
to see my muslim brothers, their purpose all the same
greeting one another, exalting one True Name
I truly hope one day everyone will get the chance
to be bless with the greatest honor
of being got to Your noble house
standing in ihram making my tawaf
drinking blessings from Your well
the challenge of safa and marwa
rekindle my imaan

O Allah! I am waiting for the call
I'm praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall


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